Since 1985 Spalding Software has been providing productivity software solutions.
We regret to announce that we have closed operations effective February 29, 2024.
We will no longer be updating any of our software products, and support will be handled by a 3rd party.
All current ProRep customers have been contacted with the new support information.

The most robust Labor Management and Operations Reporting System available.ProRep
ProRep® is our labor management and operations reporting system. It measures and tracks the performance, productivity, and quality of people and processes, and provides management with tools needed to monitor production, staffing levels, and achievement of goals.
Industrial Strength File Translation UtilityDataImport
DataImport pulls data from virtually any computer report and converts it into any of over 40 file types, including Excel, Access, and HTML. An incredible number of data mining features are provided for selecting and re-arranging data.